
Comann nam Pàrant Coinneamh Bhliadhnail/AGM

On the 19th June Comann nam Pàrant hold its Annual General Meeting over Zoom. "Holding a Zoom meeting was a first for us, but we are very pleased that it worked well. We had over 14 in attendance with representatives from across the country. We are very pleased that our 3 officer bearers, Helen MacKinnon from Glasgow as Chair, Fiona Stephens from Edinburgh as Vice Chair and Gill Steele
from Aberfeldy as Secretary, are willing to remain in their roles for another year. Marsaili Dow also continues in her role as treasurer. We would like to thank them and the rest of the committee for their continued hard work in representing the Gaelic Medium parents’ voice across the country. We were also delighted to welcome Emma Burrows from Portree to the committee, great to have a representative from the Isle of Skye. With the ongoing threat of COVID-19 we plan to continue utilising Zoom as our meeting platform which should also make it easier for members to attend meetings.
Edinburgh Gaelic week for schools Due to COVID-19 we had to cancel our Gaelic School’s week in Edinburgh at the end of April. We had almost 400 pupils registered this year, and we were looking
forward to seeing them. We have worked with Our Dynamic Earth, one of the venues that we visit every year, to produce online Gaelic resources for schools.
There are now eight worksheets translated into Gaelic which have bee sent round schools. Topics include,Rainforests, Fish, Antarctica and Clouds. We hope that these resources are useful for teachers and have given pupils the opportunity to receive exciting resources in Gaelic. If there is any teacher or school who hasn’t received these and would like a copy, then please contact – innes@cnag.org