
Duolingo's Scottish Gaelic course a right old barnstorming success: 300,000 people are signed up to the smartphone module

Duolingo's launch of a Scottish Gaelic learning course would appear to have been a right old barnstorming success, as it says around 300,000 people are currently signed up to the smartphone language module.

Oddly enough it's not Scots powering the Gaelic wave, as stats from the language app show that more users on the course are based in the US (35 per cent) than the UK (34 per cent). The 300,000 number marks quite a roaring interest, as the most recent census data showed 57,375 Scots claiming to be able to speak Gaelic, so having 300k more rock up with their brave attempts at pronunciation is a massive surge of interest.

Colin Watkins from Duolingo says the app will be updating soon with more Gaelic content, for your mind-expanding lockdown thrills and future interactions with the elderly locals when and if holidaying in the more rural bits of Scotland.