
Armagh representatives lobby Westminster parties on Irish Language Act

Representatives from Cairde Teo, the Irish language cooperative based in Armagh City, joined advocacy organisations Gael Linn and POBAL in London last week to raise the issue of the Irish Language Act with MPs from a wide range of parties at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster.
Gearóid Ó Machail, said: “We had a warm and enthusiastic welcome at meetings with MPs from the SNP, Plaid Cymru, Labour and Conservative parties and we discussed with them the need for the implementation of the Irish Language Act and the fulfilment of the British government’s commitment, made in the St Andrews’ Agreement in 2006.”
Among those MPs that the delegation met was Liz Saville-Roberts from Plaid Cymru.
Ms Saville-Roberts recently made history by speaking Irish in a Westminster debate – the first MP to address the Houses of Parliament in Irish for over 100 years.