
50 associations claim that if the Breton Government does not double its budget devoted to Breton in 2019, the language is doomed to disappear

Fifty associations* have just sent a joint open letter to the President of the Brittany Region. For them, if the local authority does not double its budget devoted to Breton in 2019, the language is doomed to disappear. It is a cry of alarm addressed to Loïg Chesnais-Girard by fifty associations working for the Breton language. A cry of alarm that takes the form of an open letter and which is based on the results of the sociolinguistic survey on the languages of Brittany conducted by TMO, at the request of the Regional Council. For the co-signatories, if the president of the Brittany Region does not ask the assembly, from 2019, to double the current budget devoted to the Breton language (to quickly reach 1% of the overall regional budget), it will have disappeared at the end of the century. This forecast is based on lessons learned from the TMO survey. Admittedly, this one highlighted the stability of the number of brittophones.

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