On November 30, the associations of defense and promotion of the regional languages of France (Alsace, Brittany, Basque Country, Corsica, Occitania, Catalonia and abroad ...) organize a demonstration (peaceful) in front of the Ministry of the National education that, by means of a recent reform, endangers the teaching of these languages.
In addition to the event that we invite you to participate, you can also
sign the petition. An appointment is made at 11 o'clock in front of Sainte-Clotilde church 23 B rue Las Cases Paris 7.
The Collectif Pour Que Vivent Nos Langues sent this petition addressed to Jean-Michel Blanquer (Minister of National Education)
The languages are Occitan-langue d'oc, Basque, Breton, Catalan, Choirs, Flamenco, Standard German and Alsatian dialect, Savoyard (Arpitan / francoprovençal), Languages of Oli, Creoles and Indigenous Languages of Overseas Territories. All resist, in France, not to disappear because they appear in the inventory of "languages in danger of extinction" established by Unesco. Despite the global impetus for natural biodiversity and cultural biodiversity, finally, it can be considered and preserved, despite the international texts that govern human rights and the rights of peoples, the French State, despite multiple convictions on the part of the The UN continues its work destroying the millennium of the intangible heritage that are our languages and our cultures.
In the point of weakness that has come today, the educational situation, an essential vector of the transmission and vitality of our languages, is emblematic of this evil will. The law states that "the languages and regional cultures belonging to the heritage of France, their education is favored ...". We note that not only is this law and conventions signed by the state respected, but that the various forms of education (optional, bilingual and immersive) are undermined by the politics of the current Minister of Education. National education Jean-Michel Blanquer. Even more than its predecessors, its policy leads to accelerating the decline of our languages, as demonstrated by its recent reform of the baccalaureate and its declarations to the Senate on May 21 against immersion education. Attacks against the teaching of these languages are numerous.
The reform of secondary education and the organization of the baccalaureate has terrible consequences for all regional language flows, as evidenced by the ups and downs that show a dramatic drop in the number of students enrolled in regional languages.
Aliance Culturèla Arpitana ;
Association Alsace - Jùnge Fer's Elsàssische (AJFE) ;
Association des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (APLV) ;
Association des Enseignants de Gallo ;
Association des Enseignants de Savoyard / Francoprovençal ;
Association des Parents d'élèves de l'Enseignement Public en Alsace (APEPA) ;
Association pour l’Enseignement de la Langue d'Oc Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (AELOC/FELCO) ;
Association pour le Bilinguisme en Classe dès la Maternelle - A.B.C.M. Zweisprachigkeit ;
Association pour le bilinguisme français-occitan dans l’enseignement public (ÒC-BI) ;
Association des Professeurs de Langue Bretonne dans l'enseignement public en Île de France (APLB KBDP) ;
Associu di l'Insignanti di/in Lingua è Cultura Corsa ;
Bak e Brezhoneg, lycéens Diwan Carhaix ;
Bressola ;
Centre Régional des Enseignants d'Occitan (CREO/FELCO) de l'académie de Toulouse ;
Centre Régional des Enseignants d'Occitan (CREO/FELCO) Lengadòc ;
Confederacion Calandreta ;
Congrès permanent de la langue occitane ;
Conseil International du Francoprovençal ;
Div yezh Breizh ;
Diwan ;
European language Equality Network (ELEN) – Réseau Européen pour l'Égalité des Langues ;
Eltern Alsace, Association des parents d'élèves de l'enseignement bilingue ;
Eskolim, Fédération des réseaux d’écoles associatives laïques immersives ;
Esquiròt ;
Euskal Konfederazioa ;
Fédération Alsace bilingue - Verband zweisprachiges Elsass
Fédération des Enseignants de Langue et Culture d'Oc (FELCO) ;
Fédération pour les langues régionales dans l'enseignement public (FLAREP) ;
Felibrige ;
Fonds International pour la Langue Alsacienne ;
Forum d'Oc ;
K.L.T. (Kerne - Leon - Treger), fédération des associations bretonnes du Pays de Morlaix ;
Institut d'Estudis Occitans ;
Kelennomp !, Association des enseignants de et en langue bretonne ;
Kevre Breizh, Coordination des associations culturelles de Bretagne ;
Mission Bretonne d'Île de France ; Ti Ar Vretoned
Parlemu Corsu ;
Practicalingua ;
Seaska ;